The Graphic Novel
After a previous retcon by Roy Thomas and Tom Mandrake in 1987 with the Shazam! The New Beginning miniseries, Captain Marvel was again given a revised origin in the 1994 graphic novel, The Power of Shazam!.
The Series
The series, which began publication in March 1995, reintroduced many of the characters from Fawcett Comics into current DC continuity, including Mary Bromfield/Mary Marvel, Freddy Freeman/Captain Marvel, Jr., Beautia Sivana, Mister Tawky Tawny, Bulletman, Minute-Man, Spy Smasher, Ibis and Taia, and even Hoppy the Marvel Bunny. Villains reincarnated in the series included Ibac, Mister Mind, Mister Atom, Aunt Minerva, and Blaze and Satanus from the Superman titles, who were retconned as the wizard Shazam's illegitimate children.
Included in this torrent:
The Power of Shazam
The Power of Shazam 1 - 47
The Power of Shazam Annual #1
Legends 1 - 6
LEGION '91 #31
War of the Gods 1 - 4
Suicide Squad # 58
Underworld Unleashed 1 - 3
The Power of Shazam # 1,000,000
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May be viewed with ComicRack or CDisplay
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